Sirarstvo Kramar

Prodaja domačega sira, skute, jogurta, sirotke

Pridelano na kmetiji, iz domačega mleka. Jogurti, sir, sirotka, skuta. kakovost


This vending machine serves you with fresh milk and dairy products 24/7 throughout the year.
The raw and whole milk served from the Milkomat is daily fresh, almost straight from the cow. The milk is poured into an empty bottle that you brought with you or bought from the vending machine.

You can also choose among the selection of dairy products, such as yoghurts of different flavours, Kramar Cheese, cheeses with versatile natural additives, whey and cottage cheese.
Milkomat, named Mlekomat in Slovene language, is located in the shopping area of Tolmin besides Medicus Partner shop (address: Pod klancem 3, Tolmin, Slovenia).

